Strategic partnership with Vernalis Engineering

Strategic partnership with Vernalis Engineering

We are glad to announce our agreement with a very important partner, what allow us to offer a wide range of engineering services, specially in the areas CAD&CAE.



Vernalis Engineering, international service provider and sales representatives of Altair HyperWorks and of PTC CREO, is our partner in Engineering Developments.

ACV+Engineering has now a flexible international organization.


Vernalis Engineering are our partner for services such as

  • CAD, 2D&3D in the majority of the softwares (CATIA, Unigraphics, AutoCAD, etc.), incl. Model & Drawing creation in Volkswagen and Audi environment.
  • CAE
  • New product development
  • Tool & fixture design


Start with us to make use of the advantages of worldwide outsourcing

Technology companies are currently in a race to launch products to market and so development schedules are tight and testing timelines have decreased.

Your team can maximize efficiency in the development by outsourcing CAE simulations to the worldwide organization “ACV+Engineering”.

A collabotation with us brings you Sinergy. Our CAD & CAE resources around the world can be available 24 hs a day working for you.

That means, a strategic involvement with ACV+Engineering will be an enhanced combined effect because your project development tasks go further progressing even outside the working time in Europe.


Don’t worry about challenging tight schedules in the development of your product.

We are that flexible partner that you need, at any time available and capable of responding perfectly to your changing requirements.


Together with Vernalis Engineering we offer CAD and computer simulation overseas but at the same time we are open to negociate your specific needs for CAD/CAE personel at your place.